Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Royal opera

Just a detail of the royal opera at the palace.


Olivier said...

un tres beau traitement

Lowell said...

Very lovely. If'n I didn't know better, I'd say you took that in the 17th century!


LOL re: Lowell's comment! It really looks like something from a baroque painting- gorgeous!

Cezar and Léia said...

Splendid chandelier!
I enlarged the image and it's outstanding, you are very talented, you got delicate beautiful reflections on the "tears", I mean the glass stuff, and it's really impressive.
I also love the effect frame and the vintage ( charming ) color!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Superb image Ciel, as Lowell observed it has a real timeless feel to it, are you doing 'time travel' these days !!