Thursday, 14 July 2011

Organ pipe


Dina said...

Great idea.
I can almost hear Bach playing in the wind.

Olivier said...

tres tres bon titre, bien vu

Photohunter said...

Wem bist Du denn da auf's Dach gestiegen :) schön aufpassen und nicht runter fallen!!!
Eine schöne Aufnahme.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Excellent association Ciel.

Halcyon said...

Wow! It's great in black and white. :)

Francisca said...

Dina made me smile... Well seen, Ciel. Would be good for Weekend in B&W.

Cezar and Léia said...

Very creative idea, love this picture and you did a perfect choice for the title!

Lowell said...

They do look a little like organ pipes...but I'd guess they wouldn't sound like a pipe organ!

Cool photo!

Anonymous said...

Intriguing photo!

Anonymous said...

It must have been some sight in the old days, when all those chimneys were smoking!

Thérèse said...

Pourvu que le vent souffle dans la bonne direction et au bon rythme.