Thursday, 12 May 2011

Inside the town hall

Thank you so much Blogger for having deleted all comments.


Lowell said...

Wow! Stunning photo. Great light! "I've seen the light! Leave me alone!"

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What an exquisite, heavenly scupture! Bien-vu, mon amie!

The light gives it a translucent glow...


Olivier said...

un ange passe, superbe

Photohunter said...

Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass das von oben einfallende Licht dem Bild einen besonderen Ausdruck verleiht, sehr schön.
Viele Grüße

SRQ said...

Gosh...this is wonderful! Terrific capture.

Unknown said...

Awesome shot, Ciel!

Lowell said...

This really captures my attention...must be the light and the fragility of the piece. I would think it would be found in a church, though, and not the town hall! :-)

Francisca said...

Yeah, Blogger let us down... and we never did get a full explanation. Did you lose them in your dashboard too? If it makes you feel better (as in misery loves company?) our hosting company has lost our site from their database entirely and after ten days, still no word. Anyway, this is another sweet shot.

Cezar and Léia said...

"Ethereal" is the word that comes to my mind when looking at this picture.
God bless you!

Small City Scenes said...

Ethereal was my word too---oh well.
I like this. MB